Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.

ODM Service

We Turn Your Ideas into Reality

  • Week 4

    Preliminary Product Preparation

    1. product concept architecture finalization

    2. ID completion and approval

    3. Mechanical drawings approval&release

    4. Prototype preparation

    5. POC (prototype of concept) review and approval

  • Week 10

    Design verification

    1. DFM review and &Tool kick-off

    2. DV Build Preparation

    3. DV Build and Test completion

    4. DV Test review and Approval

  • Week 14

    Production verification

    1. PV drawings update

    2. PV BOM release

    3. PV Build completion

    4. Product veification review and approval

    5. BOM cost confirmation

  • Week 18

    Trial production

    1. TP BOM release

    2. TP Build completion

    3. TP Build review and approval

    4. Ramp up readiness

ODM Service

We Turn Your Ideas into Reality

  • Week 4

    Preliminary Product Preparation

    1. product concept architecture finalization

    2. ID completion and approval

    3. Mechanical drawings approval&release

    4. Prototype preparation

    5. POC (prototype of concept) review and approval

  • Week 10

    Design verification

    1. DFM review and &Tool kick-off

    2. DV Build Preparation

    3. DV Build and Test completion

    4. DV Test review and Approval

  • Week 14

    Production verification

    1. PV drawings update

    2. PV BOM release

    3. PV Build completion

    4. Product veification review and approval

    5. BOM cost confirmation

  • Week 18

    Trial production

    1. TP BOM release

    2. TP Build completion

    3. TP Build review and approval

    4. Ramp up readiness